An inclusive and affirming colorado Adoption Agency
If you're pregnant and looking for support, get in touch with an Options Counselor today. Our counselors provide non-judgemental, no-cost counseling to help you explore your options and create your own journey.
I'm Pregnant
Get help navigating the decisions of an unexpected pregnancy. |
I Want to Adopt
Expand your family through adoption, learn more about the process. |
Support Adoption Options
Help fulfill the Adoption Options mission with your support. |
We think Adoption Options has a great community and we love being a part of it. Adoption Options works wonderfully with the LGBTQ+ community and we tell everyone we know who is considering the foster-to-adopt program, to contact Adoption Options. We’ve been able to adopt two wonderful boys through the program, and we have fostered 7 other children in our 3 years with Adoption Options. We have nothing but great things to say!
Adoption Options is proud to be an AdoptMatch ethical provider. AdoptMatch creates a network of ethical, licensed adoption professionals who follow best practices and connects them with families and expectant parents considering adoption. When you choose an AdoptMatch Approved Partner, you ensure that your adoption is guided by ethical standards and compassionate support.
Adoption Options is such an incredible place. I feel so unbelievably fortunate to have found the perfect people to help me place my little girl with a wonderful couple - and now, since we have decided on open adoption, I get to watch this amazing new family together. I have such huge love and respect for the staff at this agency who have helped me every step of the way in adjusting to this unexpected journey.
-Birth Mother |
Resources for pregnancy |
Paths to adoption |
About Adoption Options |
Get in TouchDenver, Main Office
1355 S. Colorado Blvd. Suite 501 Denver, CO 80222 303-695-1601 or 800-878-1601 Jefferson County, Satellite Office 303-233-2328 |